(Also, I apologize for the odd photo placements. This is my first try at getting pics into Blogger.)
This is my Twin Trees Afghan, about 1/4 done.

The back of my mom's cardigan-to-be. I'm much further along now -- even have about 2/3 of both fronts done. It's miles and miles of garter stitch though. The pattern should come with a warning label.
Tulip Sweater, now finished.
Kids Socks (I've done 2 pairs of these, but the stripes don't match on the other pair -- I was running out of yarn.)
And these are the first 4 Traveling Scarves I've worked on. It's a Ravelry thing. My section is always the one closest to the stitch holder. And, just for the record, none of them are blocked yet. My sections are truly the same width as the others, it's just that one section or another is almost always curling at the edges.
Yup. That's my life.