b) CSI (the original)
c) CSI: New York
e) I don't watch TV.
No knitting pictures this week. I suppose I could take a picture of the 9 inches of sweater body I've completed of the Warm Woolies Mystery Knitalong #1. However, since it's not yet to the end of Clue 1, I haven't bothered yet. I also did not finish the WW MKAL2 or WW MKAL3 sweaters by last Saturday. For the record, I didn't make a pair of socks for the 10 for 10 either. I didn't even knit at all last Friday, thus blowing all of my goals for that 2 week challenge. Feh.
Not much has happened this week. My mom was off tons and tons of time (9 days out of 13), although she has worked the last 2 consecutive nights -- for the first time since July 14. I'm thoroughly enjoying my nighttime solitude, believe me.
Nothing new on the job front either. The dealership that called last week was looking for someone who could work full-time, and my school schedule will preclude that. The one class that I absolutely Must take this semester (unless I want to wait and try to get into the program again next year) is from 2 to 4:20 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays, which conveniently nixes most day and evening jobs at once. Handy, that.
I had one of those probably-blazingly-obvious-to-other-people epiphanies today, when I was driving to Taco Bell. (Yes, I'm still on unemployment. What? I don't do it very often.) I think I'm going to mull it over for a bit before I inflict it on all of you. It's either angsty or depressing, and enough other people are having real problems right now that I'd feel weird (read: self-centered and self-indulgant) posting about it. Stay tuned! Next week you may get to read all about it! I suggest you hold your breath. That way you may be unconscious by the time I post it.
Answer to Question 8: NCIS, hands down. I usually watch CSI, and occasionally CSI: NY, but I can do without them easily. I haven't bothered with LOST since Season 2. And yes, I do seem to only consider TV shows that have initials instead of titles. (Except for Pushing Daisies, but that's not around anymore anyway.) Oh, and if watching the shows online doesn't count, then the answer is E.
Late Edit: I do have a photo for the week, after all. This is the Siegling's bag that I received from Pansy earlier this week. It's currently full of all three of my WW MKAL sweaters-in-progress. I think it wants to go home to Washington state, where it might have to carry gardening tools in the crazy heat, but at least it wouldn't have to worry about exploding. lol