Saturday, October 31, 2009

Question 18

If you live in Maine, VOTE tomorrow! NO on 1!

Live in Washington? VOTE tomorrow! YES on 71!

There is no valid reason to legislate inequality, or to overturn legislation which prevents it.

18) Which is my favorite Harry Potter book?

a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Five
e) Six

I have no content this week. I tried all weekend to think of some, but I couldn't. What I have instead is whining. Aren't you lucky?

  • I have a 1 to 2-page paper to write for class today. The class at 2 p.m. I haven't even started yet. There are 10 questions I need to answer in this paper, and I have all the answers written down and organized. I've had that part done since last Monday. By the time I answer those questions, I'll probably need to shrink my font size to make it fit on 2 pages. All weekend, this paper has been hanging over my head, dripping big glops of doom onto my head. But I can not get it started. Why is this paper kicking my ass?
  • My mother is home already. She Will. Not. Stop. Talking. To. Me. Whyyyyyyyyyy? She knows I'm trying to finish this blasted paper.
  • I haven't started NaNo yet, and my plot/idea has fled.
  • There's a thing about the blogs I've been reading this week that I want to whine about, but I can't figure out how to say it. You can thank me later.
  • It has been over 18 months since I've had a hug. This is not right.

Answer to Question 18: Book 3 is my favorite. Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and early enough that the government isn't so blatantly evil? Yes please!

These questions are coming from my 'How well do you know Beccaie Jamieson?' quiz on Facebook. Thus far, the high scores are 35% among my friends, 40% among my sister's friends, 41% for my mother, with my sister scoring 74%. I'm bringing the questions to my blog in the hopes that some more people will get to know me better.

Friday, October 16, 2009


Yes, this post is a week eight days late. Let me distract you with pretty pictures.

Both pictures are from here. This is another of the several new blogs I've found lately. I haven't finished all of the archives yet, and sadly The Other Andrew is no longer writing, but I've still got over a year's worth of entries to keep me happy. And a list of blogs to check out after that.

In case you're interested, I've now read all of the archives of Ted's, Mel's, Kenny's, Chris's, and Paul's blogs. I finished James's, which I mentioned starting last time. Oh, and I've read a blog by another Chris as well, about coming out at age 48. I've enjoyed reading all of the blogs (or I wouldn't have done it), but this Chris writes about parts of my life. There are a jillion differences between us, really obvious ones (I'm not a gay man, for instance.) and more subtle ones (I'd never have had the courage to come out in his situation, no matter how soul-destroying it would be to continue to deny such a large part of myself.) that a lot of people don't necessarily know about me. But some of his posts articulate things in my life that I'd never say, don't even like to think about. Like his post about the holidays. If you read it, don't forget that my birthday is right after the New Year. Four kicks for me.

It's been a hard couple of weeks. Maybe I'll post more about it later, and maybe I won't. It probably wouldn't be much fun for you to read anyway. Some school stuff, some crap with my sister, and some of it's just the ever-decreasing amount of daylight around here. I hate -- HATE -- knowing that things are going to get worse before they get better. H.A.T.E. But at least knowing that means that I won't have to wonder what's happening, what's wrong with me. I guess that's an improvement. Have to believe that it is.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some blog archives to escape into.
(Yes, KD, you were very, very right about that. Even though I hadn't put two and two together yet.)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Question 17

17) What city was I born in? (Kindly ignore the bad grammar.)
a) Clam Lake, WI
b) Addison, IL
c) Melrose Park, IL
d) Elmhurst, IL
e) Hayward, WI

I have a knitting photo! Are you as excited as I am?

This is the front of the Warm Woolies Mystery Knitalong Sweater I. I still have to finish the neck shaping. The back is done up to the armholes, but since it was knitted in the round, you can't see it in this photo.

Nothing much has happened this week. I had a lot of homework last weekend (which I'd had a few weeks to accomplish, but it wasn't due until Monday), and then I had a paper & presentation due in HIT on Wednesday. I haven't had to do a speech for a while, and if I need to do another one, I'm going to have to get permission to be seated during it, because I was really having trouble getting enough air towards the end. I hate looking like I don't know what I'm doing, and I'm sure that I did. However, there's no way to change it now, and I didn't realize that it would be a problem before I began, so whatever. Other than that, I think it went pretty well.

It's been raining a lot here this week. Not huge amounts of water, with all the associated flooding concerns, but just days of slow and steady rain. Luckily it's been on days when I could stay home, so I've been able to enjoy it without worrying about losing my footing. I've also finished reading all of the archives over at QueerJoe's blog. I'm working on James' blog now. He lives in New Zealand, and some of his photos are excellent proof that WETA didn't do too much to the scenery in LOTR.

And that's it for this week. Not much blather, since I've got 2 exams this week. I should probably get back to studying.

Answer to Question 17: Elmhurst, IL. I've lived almost my entire life in Addison, but the nearest hospital is in Elmhurst. Melrose Park is where my mom's family lived, and where I went to high school. Clam Lake is the nearest town to my family's cabin in northern Wisconsin. Hayward is the nearest town with a hospital. I suppose that this question was skewed a bit towards local friends, but I didn't have any local friends on Facebook when I initially wrote the quiz.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Question 16

Yes, I'm late again. I apologise. It completely slipped my mind yesterday that it was Friday. I finally remembered when I was heading to bed at about 1 a.m., so I guess I can honestly say today.

16) How many companies have I worked for since leaving school?

a) Four
b) Six
c) Seven
d) Eight
e) Ten

I have no knitting photo (again) this week. Instead, let me distract you with a picture of Lilac in her cat bed. She is scrupulous in upholding her reputation as our princess cat, so she will not lie in the bed unless it is placed on the couch.

Yes, it has a padded base and a coordinating pillow on top of that. Princess.

I suppose that I should post a photo of Spare, for equal time and all, but I don't really have one. This is because I don't like her much and she returns the favor. The only time I think she looks at all cute is when she's cuddled into her cat tent -- at the far end of the laundry room (which is at the opposite corner of the house from the room I'm usually in).

Oops, that's Lilac again. She's not a fan of flash photography. :)

Nothing exciting has really happened this week. I ended up ditching my HIT class on Wednesday because I couldn't find parking that was within walking distance (for me), even with my parking permit. Anatomy ... continues to try my patience. The good news is that he handed out practice midterms for us, and I got an 87% on it. Even though I haven't read several of the chapters yet, and we haven't even had lecture on 2 of the organ systems that will be on there. (The midterm is on 10/14.)

I also tried to go to the zoo on Thursday. I used to love going to the zoo. I've been a member (myself or on my parents' membership) since 1979. There were some years when I went about twice a month. Now, with the walking & breathing, I haven't been there in years. I went to their website a couple of months ago and discovered that they now have ECVs (Electronic Convenience Vehicles) available to rent, and I got all excited. Unfortunately, even though I'm under the weight limit, I can't fit into/onto the seat. The handlebars and controls are too close. I wish I'd known that before I got there. It was quite the disappointment.

On a brighter note, I've found another knitting blog that I enjoy. QueerJoe's actually been blogging since 2002, but I have spent large periods of time residing under various rocks, so I never got over there until very recently. I'm in the process of reading all of his archives, and am now up to 11/26/07. I am, perhaps, unreasonably excited by the knowledge that I own the same color of Malabrigo Laceweight Merino that he bought back then. (He knits with the most beautiful color combinations.)

Answer to Question 16: Eight. I'm not going to list them by name in case of future Googling. By description, they're as follows: (1) a department store outlet, (2) an answering service, (3) an office temp company, (4) a steel grating manufacturer, (5) another office temp company, (6) a data entry company, (7) the same office temp company as #5, so it doesn't count towards the total, (8) a real estate title insurance company, (9) #5 AGAIN, and (10) a car dealership. Ten jobs, eight companies.

These questions are coming from my 'How well do you know Beccaie Jamieson?' quiz on Facebook. Thus far, the high scores are 35% among my friends, 40% among my sister's friends, 41% for my mother, with my sister scoring 74%. I'm bringing the questions to my blog in the hopes that some more people will get to know me better.