I was supposed to post something on Monday, wasn't I? I seem to have started a tradition of flailing for a month or so at the beginning of every semester, and my blog is one thing that gets knocked off the table.
At any rate, I have a little knitting news for you all. I know you're excited. ;) (This is a photo-intensive post. Apologies to anyone with a slow connection.)
I have a new iPod (my first MP3 player, in fact). His name is George. He's purple. He also has a cozy. I always thought that people who knit cozies for their iPods and cellphones were crazy, but I didn't want his screen to get scratched in my purse, so he had a cozy within 12 hours of his arrival here. >_> I used some Claudia Handpaints fingering weight yarn that I had left over from one of my traveling scarf projects. I've always loved this colorway, and I'm delighted that I thought of something I could make for myself with the partial skein that I had kicking around.

I also did some knitting repair this week. Do you remember the Never Ending Scarf that I finished on Sunday, January 31, 2010? Of course you do. It was the cause of that whoop of joy heard 'round the world. Would you like to guess what happened on Thursday, February 4, 2010? No? I came home from school to find the scarf on the kitchen counter with a note asking me to fix it.

There had been a Zipper Incident. Can't see what I'm fussing about? Let George help to highlight the problem.

FIVE DAYS!!! It took me over 13 months to finish that blasted soul-sucking scarf and my sister managed to damage it in FIVE DAYS!!!!! And when I informed my sister that she was on knitting probation and would be banned from receiving any further handknits if anything else happened to this scarf or to the hat she's requested for her birthday, she had the gall to tell me that the scarf leapt into the zipper, even though she was holding her coat 3 inches away from the scarf at the time. I am skeptical. The pull has been mended as well as I could, given that this is acrylic yarn and thus splicing the torn strands is impossible.

While I'm at it, here are 2 pics of the entire scarf in its entirity, taken less than 24 hours before the Zipper Incident.

I've also been working on the mittens for my mom. After all, her birthday is tomorrow/today (depending on if we're going by the I-haven't-gone-to-bed-yet;-it's-still-Wednesday theory or by clock-based reality). Deadlines? I'm with Douglas Adams on those. ("I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.") This is still the first mitten. Luckily, we still aren't sure when we're celebrating, although it's extremely unlikely to be this weekend. The red line on the palm of the mitten is where the thumb will be knitted.

Unfortunately, missing this deadline is probably going to interfere with my ability to get my sister's hat knitted during the Knitting Olympics. Then again, I'm not entirely convinced that it's possible to knit this hat in the first place, since I'm supposed to be creating the pattern for a close-fitting, top-down hat in fingering weight yarn that will be longer in the back than on the sides and longer still in the front, but with no seams. Also, ribbing is prohibited. And my sister, who doesn't knit, has never seen a hat like this. I'm designing it based on her mental image of portions of several hats she's seen over the years, some of them possibly knitted. It needs to be custom-fit to her head. If I'm found stabbed to death with knitting needles anytime before March 12, know that I did it myself to put myself out of my misery. Also, this is absolutely the last knitted project that she gets to request. First the scarf, then this. Clearly she can't be trusted with the responsibility of it.
The SHoD (Squid Hat of DOOM) now has 3 tentacles. I really want to work on it, but that's probably because I need to be working on my mom's mittens. Hopefully I'll get those done in the next few days so I can squeeze in a day of fun knitting before tackling the other hat. Also, I'm not posting pictures of the SHoD because I want to spring it upon you in all its glory when it's completed. No spoilers. :p