(Okay, I think I'm funnier than I am. Still, I am talking about cats today.)

This is Tiptoe. She's my mother's cat. My mother would be willing to share her, but Tiptoe is emphatically NOT ON BOARD with that idea.

She did let me pet her in December. I'm pretty sure it was her Christmas gift to me.
This is her usual attitude towards me. That's a pretty extreme zoom. I'm sitting on the far side of the dining room. She's hiding in the hallway by our laundry room. The entire length of the kitchen is between us.
She's not doing well. The vet thinks it's either wet-form FIP (from her symptoms) or congestive heart failure (from blood enzyme levels 15 times the "normal" count). Or possibly both. At this point, the only thing weighing against the FIP diagnosis is that she's still alive. She's a tough kitty.
She originally came into our lives when she wandered up to my mom on our front porch. She was wearing a collar with a rabies tag on it, so my mom brought her in, thinking that we'd track down her people for her.
Turns out the rabies tag was 11 years old (Tiptoe was only about 3 at the time), and for a DOG. While we did originally call her Spare, in a completely vain attempt to prevent my mom from getting too attached, she stuck around. We decided that Spare was a bit unkind, so she was rechristened Tiptoe. She and Lilac (our other cat) (who was here FIRST) (Lilac insists on the second parenthetical), tolerate each other. They are not friends. In fact, Lilac is usually a bit of a brat to Tiptoe. My mother is refusing to acknowledge how ill Tiptoe is, but I think the fact that Lilac hasn't pestered Tiptoe at all in over a week kind of says it all.
The second kitty from the title is Seamus. He's my sister's new cat. Well, new-to-her, as he's about 3 years old and was adopted from Hinsdale Humane Society (where we also got Licorice, my late dog, back in 1983). If you're looking for a pet in the Chicagoland area, they're pretty awesome.
Anyway, this is Seamus. He's much more friendly than either of our cats.

No, seriously. MUCH more friendly. This was the first time he met me, when we were at my sister's house to (belatedly) celebrate her birthday. Which is Seamus' birthday too! They're clearly meant to be.

I haven't had contact with an actually FRIENDLY cat in so long that I was practically giddy, and that lasted for hours after we left Seamus. Oh yeah, and my sister. Sorry sis! You're definitely ranking second to your cat at the moment.
In non-feline news, I'm still fundraising for Concern Worldwide through the Live Below the Line challenge. And I'm hanging onto 98th place on the Top 100 Leaderboard for US fundraising. That's good and bad. I mean, it's awesome to be on the leaderboard! But I've only raised $75 so far. And although that's way ahead of my fundraising at this point last year, it's still a little disheartening to think that there are only 97 people in the US who've raised more. It's better than when I was in the top 30 though. I was up there for over a week.
If you'd like to bump me up the leaderboard, you can sponsor me here. My friend Deen is also doing the challenge, and her page is here. She's way ahead of me though: she's #67!