Saturday, September 22, 2007

History Class

Essentially, I think my history class may be interesting.

It's a freshman-level class, of course, so there are ... well, LOTS of freshmen in it. I think there's one other woman somewhere near my age, although I didn't exactly get a friendly vibe from her. The prof is much younger than I am, which is a first for me. He's a doctoral student, and has been teaching at the college level for 4 years, 3 of them at COD. This makes the whole thing essentially more funny.

Think I'm using "essentially" a lot? Come to class with me! ;-)

He's a very freshman-friendly prof, in that he gave us printouts of his whole Powerpoint presentation at the beginning of class. I think I was the only one who even bothered to jot additional notes in the margins. *rolls eyes* We got 3 handouts during this class: the syllabus, naturally; a brief (1.5 page) Powerpoint presentation on the status of Europe in 1600, which should be helpful; and the main (7.5 pages) Ppt lecture. As he was going through the syllabus with us, I realized that he was fond of the word "essentially" and thought I should remember to use it in at least one of the papers I'll have to write. As he was going through the Europe in 1600 presentation, I remembered Bella talking about one of her classes last spring, where a group of people smuggled in alcoholic beverages for a drinking game whenever their prof said whatever "his" word was. Halfway through the second page of the main lecture, I decided that it was a good thing we weren't playing a drinking game, because most of the class would be seriously drunk by now. On the third page, I started counting his "essentially"s. 116 times in the last 4.5 pages. Yes, you read that right. It's not a typo. One hundred sixteen times.

I can't decide if I should say something to him, or start running a pool on the counts. lol

(moved from old blog)


Aibrean: lol! Isn't gambling essentially illegal? ;-)

Estelina: Oh good heavens! That is so funny - and a little sad. Someone should tell him - though I'm not sure it should be student, whose grade could be essentially effected.
tee hee
Good luck.

Elhf: Save the poor guy after your final grade, till then keep counting...

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