Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Eddie Izzard

Okay, seriously, am I the last person on the planet to have seen any of his stand-up? If yes, why on earth didn't the rest of you tell me to watch him? And if no, Go Now! Rent, Buy, YouTube! Links? Glad you asked.

Dress to Kill
-- I think this is my favorite. (Skip to about 4 minutes in, if you just want the stand-up.)
-- Unless this is.
Definite Article
-- Great outfit. I love that color on him.
-- I'm not crazy about the beginning bit on the DVD, but that's not in this clip.
-- I love the elastic, stretchy things for the stage set. And the DVD extras on this one are great. (Although I haven't found them on YouTube yet.) Also a very good outfit. Although I haven't seen him in a really bad one yet, anywhere.

Warnings: This is not child-safe stuff. Language, sex, etc. And he is emphatically NOT religious -- I love the bits where he tries to figure out the connection between Easter and chocolate eggs. Oh yeah, and he's a transvestite. If you think you'd hate it, don't blame me if you're right. ;-)

Want a window into my mind? Absolutely nothing he says is too liberal for me. In fact, I'm a bit more liberal than some of his stuff. Although I'm still kind of feeling my way to exactly what I believe religiously -- something in the pagan area, but nothing's felt quite right yet.

Honestly though, watch his stuff. You'll thank me.

Edit: YouTube just took down Dress to Kill. I don't know if the others will remain available. If not, I'm sorry. But rent them!


Aibrean's Musings said...

A co-worker loaned me a dvd of his and I've yet to watch it -- I guess I'd better pull it out and see how funny he is! :-)

Beccaie said...

Yes, do! Which dvd is it, and tell me what you think. :-)

ArwensRose said...

I, personally, am not a fan of Eddie Izzard, but ... I think that is because my ex-friend "Percy" is and so I am tainted against him. I did see him on Broadway and he was pretty good. It wasn't a stand up show though. It was a Neil Coward play. My ex-friend went to the show three times.