Okay, this is completely self-serving, but I'm having trouble getting a couple of pictures to another knitter on Ravelry, so here they are. Hope you can see them now Christine!
^ the closest to the real color, although it's a tiny bit dark.
^ second closest, a bit light.
I know I've talked about Eddie Izzard here before. Brace yourselves; here's some more. I was writing this up for something else, and some of it is stuff I'd like to say here, too. Even with the repetitive Eddie explanations.
I have discovered Eddie Izzard. And he's wonderful -- funny, intelligent, so confident, HOT -- just amazing. I've seen his 6 one-man shows (via YouTube and Netflix) many multiple times each, and there's still always something that will make me laugh. Watching his comedy can calm me down when I'm going out of my mind with mom-related stress, even when she's still around. I've never before found anything that could do that -- escaping from the building she was in was always an integral part of the solution.He's a great actor, too. I'm working my way through all of his movies. Some of the earlier ones, where he had a small part and the "star" was someone like Ben Stiller or Matt LeBlanc have been borderline painful, but not because of his bits. Because of Ben Stiller and Matt LeBlanc. Particularly Matt. However, I am nothing if not dedicated -- I just added The Bee Movie to my Netflix queue. That's right, I'm even willing to sit through Jerry Seinfeld to hear Eddie.The problem comes in that I'm enjoying his comedy, and some of his movies, and starting to daydream a bit about meeting him someday. Well, okay, the daydreaming is fairly well-established at this point. Details. But it's giving me a bit of hope. False hope, but still that hopeful feeling. And hope ... it's not a good thing. I'd finally stopped beating my head against the walls of my life, finally started to accept things for the way they are, and now I'm feeling hopeful again? This is not good.There's a quote from a book, and I can't remember it exactly. I can't even pin down what series its from. Something about a president (perhaps Calvin Coolidge?) declining an offer of strawberries once, when he was living in a boarding house, because they would spoil his taste for prunes. I very much fear that Eddie is strawberries. But I've already tasted them (the strawberries!), and it's too late.
Okay, that metaphor gets a bit sideways, but hopefully you know what I mean.