Knitting Message
Okay, this is completely self-serving, but I'm having trouble getting a couple of pictures to another knitter on Ravelry, so here they are. Hope you can see them now Christine!
^ the closest to the real color, although it's a tiny bit dark.
^ second closest, a bit light.
I like the octopi posted earlier. ;)
Sweet jiminey -- your knitting keeps getting better. I'm trying to be better about keeping up with people's blogs -- and might even get around to putting something on my own. I'm in the queue for Ravelry, so might see you over there as well.
Hmmm, Deenie likes the octopi and has cats. Plotting may occur. ;-)
Frink, these last 2 pics aren't mine, they're from a traveling scarf. We're trying to color-match the yarn, but it's proving more difficult than I'd like. Ravelry is AWESOME (like a hot dog!). And it's not a huge time-suck ... unless you let it be. lol
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