Tuesday, November 25, 2008

NaNo Update #2

Total words: 14,492
Words I needed to write today to get me to 50K by the 30th: 7309
Words I wrote today: 8348
Daily word goal, as of now: 7102 (over 200 words/day down from yesterday!)

And for a bit of a reality check...
Where I should be, if I'd been writing all along, like we're kind of supposed to: 38,341

Late update again: I'm now at 15,371, and it's about 5 minutes to midnight, so I think that's really and truly my total for the night. I'll do the rest of the math tomorrow. :)

1 comment:

Barb_in_GA said...

That's Beccaie -- ever the math goddess. WTG on your progress!