Saturday, October 31, 2009

Question 18

If you live in Maine, VOTE tomorrow! NO on 1!

Live in Washington? VOTE tomorrow! YES on 71!

There is no valid reason to legislate inequality, or to overturn legislation which prevents it.

18) Which is my favorite Harry Potter book?

a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Five
e) Six

I have no content this week. I tried all weekend to think of some, but I couldn't. What I have instead is whining. Aren't you lucky?

  • I have a 1 to 2-page paper to write for class today. The class at 2 p.m. I haven't even started yet. There are 10 questions I need to answer in this paper, and I have all the answers written down and organized. I've had that part done since last Monday. By the time I answer those questions, I'll probably need to shrink my font size to make it fit on 2 pages. All weekend, this paper has been hanging over my head, dripping big glops of doom onto my head. But I can not get it started. Why is this paper kicking my ass?
  • My mother is home already. She Will. Not. Stop. Talking. To. Me. Whyyyyyyyyyy? She knows I'm trying to finish this blasted paper.
  • I haven't started NaNo yet, and my plot/idea has fled.
  • There's a thing about the blogs I've been reading this week that I want to whine about, but I can't figure out how to say it. You can thank me later.
  • It has been over 18 months since I've had a hug. This is not right.

Answer to Question 18: Book 3 is my favorite. Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and early enough that the government isn't so blatantly evil? Yes please!

These questions are coming from my 'How well do you know Beccaie Jamieson?' quiz on Facebook. Thus far, the high scores are 35% among my friends, 40% among my sister's friends, 41% for my mother, with my sister scoring 74%. I'm bringing the questions to my blog in the hopes that some more people will get to know me better.


ArwensRose said...

We both turned in our ballots today here in Washington.

Beccaie said...

YAY! (And I knew you'd voted, but just in case anyone else hasn't...)