Sunday, January 31, 2010

Breaking News


I would show you a picture, but I don't have one. My sister came over today and I made her try on the scarf. The Incredibly Shrinking Scarf. The one that, last time I knit 6 inches onto it, became 2 inches shorter than its previous measurement. The scarf that I've been working on (off and on, obviously -- only when it hadn't completely sapped my will to live) since December, 2008. Yes, 2008. Not a typo. It's double knitting in acrylic, with a lattice pattern that required reordering the stitches on the needles in every single row.

This is one of those projects that, if I'd had a little more experience when she asked for it, I'd have refused to make. Yes, I can do double knitting. Yes, I can do lattice stitch. Yes, I can even work with that horrible acrylic microspun yarn that splits like crazy and my sister loves so much. (It's fine to crochet with, and I don't want to rag on the manufacturer, because it's a perfectly good microspun product. I just don't like to knit with acrylic or microspun, particularly this stuff.) Yes, I can knit a scarf that's 6 feet long. The problem came when I tried to combine those four things.

Also, in case you don't know enough about knitting to realize this, knitting a 6-foot scarf in double knitting means that you've really knit a 12-foot scarf, because double knitting is two layers of knitted fabric that are attached to each other, like layers on a quilt or something.

Anyway, my sister tried the scarf on and said that it was long enough. This despite the fact that a measurement taken just hours before her arrival showed that it was still nearly 2 feet short. I snatched it off her neck and had finished casting off before she finished laughing at me. A speed record may have been set, if only someone had been timing me. She's now gone back home, and she was wearing the scarf when she left, so I must fall back on my original photos for this post. Someday, when the scarf is around and my mom isn't (digital camera issues are complicated in this house), I shall take a picture of the completed scarf. And then make you read another post about it. >_>

Side 1

Side 2

Friday, January 29, 2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010


This is a test post to see if I can link my pattern here. If you don't mind, would you see if you can view that pattern? I want to be sure that anyone can access it, not just me.


Saturday, January 9, 2010


I'm late. Again. I know. *hangs head in shame*

Want to know why?

I'm designing. I've decided that I'm going to be published by the end of January, even if it's only a crochet pattern. Besides, writing the pattern up will save me from having to reverse engineer this hat AGAIN the next time my mom wants me to make one. Which I may or may not have already done five times. >_>

In other news, school starts on Thursday, and I've begun to knit the SHOD (Squid Hat of DOOM!) I'm still in the first section of the pattern, and so far my main reaction is "Holy @#$* these colors are bright!" Which is kind of the point of rainbow, but whatever.

Perhaps I'll have something more interesting to say next week. You never know. Stay tuned! I might talk about the incredible shrinking scarf.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Secret Project Revealed!

The Secret Project has arrived at its destination, so now I can post pictures of it. Yay!

Lying down

Sitting up

With his SPORK!!!!

Also, this squid has been named Huggsley by the recipient. ^________^