So, yesterday we went out for my sister's birthday. (New Star! Best Chinese restaurant ever! Well, within 15 miles, at least.) I even finished the hat in time.
You're just waiting for the frustrating part, aren't you? The hat was rejected. Deb didn't like it. It was too short, despite the fact that it's longer than she asked for. It's too loose, despite the fact that it's tighter than she asked for. I was waiting for her to tell me that she didn't like the color, despite the fact that she picked out the yarn. So, here's a photo of it in it's formerly completed state. (Well, the photo was before I cast off, but it's close enough.)
And the poor hat's current condition.
School? My Spanish midterm went well, complete with the 8-minute one-on-one conversation with the prof. This week I'm working on my midterm philosophy paper, in which I get to argue both sides of the legalizing prostitution issue. Fun! :/
Dang. Well. Dang.
I take it you're unsurprised???
The hat is lovely, and your sister is foolish in the area of haberdashery.
I have a few things to say to your sister, but I can't say them in public.
I'll say it! I'll say it!!
"She can knit her own damned hat next time."
There. I feel better. :-D
Very silly sister. The hat looks great!
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