Monday, April 27, 2015

Living Below the Line

Okay, I'm a little late with this blog post. (I'm sure you're all shocked.) Live Below the Line started today, and I will do a post about my meals later, but since I never did a shopping post, that's what you're getting now.

So with no further ado, here's what I'll be eating for the next 5 days:

Yup, that's all of it. Want some detail? Okay.

1 lb Whole Wheat Bread, $1.19

1 dozen Eggs, $0.99 (an AMAZING deal)

1 lb Frozen Corn, $0.89

1 lb dried Pinto Beans, $1.19

6 oz Tomato Paste, $0.39

10.5 oz Tomatoes & Chiles, $0.59

Here's my other AMAZING deal: 10 lbs potatoes, $1.79

And because I CAN learn from previous experience, SPICES!
From left to right, that's
2 tsp Salt, $0.01
0.5 tsp Black Pepper, $0.02
2 tsp Garlic Powder, $0.04
3 tsp Chili Powder, $0.06
2 tsp Onion Powder, $0.03
3 tsp Cumin, $0.07

It is allowed in the rules to figure the price per gram for spices and just count how many grams you need. This is the only exception to the "You must buy the whole package" rule. I converted grams to teaspoons, but I can show my math if anyone wants.

More math:
1.19 + 0.99 + 0.89 + 1.19 + 0.39 + 0.59 + 1.79 + 0.01 + 0.02 + 0.04 + 0.06 + 0.03 + 0.07 = $7.26
1.75% sales tax = 0.13
Total spent: 7.26 + 0.13 = $7.39

That means I have 11 cents left for the week. I suppose in case I need more spices or something. Not sure what else I could afford with that.

 If you'd like to sponsor me, I'm still short of my $150 fundraising goal for Concern Worldwide. You can sponsor me at my page on Live Below the Line. $1, $2, $5 ... it all adds up. Thank you!

(Deenie's not at her goal yet either. She's raising money for UNICEF.)

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