Monday, March 17, 2014

Have a Smartphone?

I don't. I have a prepaid cell, because at my current rate of pay ($0 per year, not including xmas and birthday gifts), I can't justify spending more than the ~$7.14 per month that I pay now.

HOWEVER, if YOU have a smartphone, have you heard about this app from UNICEF?

I was going to write a post this week about exactly what UNICEF does, since I can't be the only one who doesn't know precisely. In the process of gathering information for that, I found this app. It donates money to UNICEF to provide clean water to kids for every 10 minutes that you don't use your phone. Apparently Giorgio Armani Fragrances really hate it when people are on their phones in restaurants? Or the bus? Or something like that.

Anyway, it sounds like a fairly painless way to do some good. Check it out?

And if you've forgotten why I'm talking about UNICEF, or if you missed my last blog post, I'm raising money for UNICEF doing the Live Below the Line challenge this year. You can sponsor me (or just find out more about it) here. The site accepts donations through the end of May.

(Deenie's page is here. She's much closer to her fundraising goal than I am.)

Monday, March 10, 2014

Grand Plans

Earlier this year, I was thinking about my blog. My poor neglected blog. And I thought that it might be nice to try to get back to knitting more. I've missed knitting and how it soothes me. I figured that if I was knitting, I'd have things to blog about.

That was in early January. How early? Before my birthday (the 4th).

HOWEVER, I now have another reason to get back to blogging. 

This year I am doing the Live Below the Line challenge at the end of April. Check out the link for more detail, but basically I (and thousands of others) commit to spending $1.50 or less on food every day for 5 days. That's $7.50 for 5 days. This number was chosen because of the millions of people who live on less than $1.50 per day for EVERYTHING. I'm just limiting my food budget to that amount.

The Live Below the Line challenge has two purposes: it raises awareness and it raises money for global charities through sponsorship. I've chosen UNICEF as my charity, and if you're feeling generous, you can sponsor me here. I will also be blogging there from now through the end of the challenge (May 2, 2014). I'm going to try to blog about it here as well. And during the challenge itself (April 28 to May 2), I'll be posting pics of my meals to my Twitter account.

(Deenie is also doing the challenge. It's her second year. She's the one who got me into it. Her sponsorship page is here.)

Hopefully the knitting will come.