Sunday, December 14, 2008

Knitting Update (Again)

Okay, I'm late posting this week. And technically I missed posting last week. However, I did post 7 times the week before that, so let's just call it even, okay? :)

I now have a finished Traveling Scarf! Remember all those pictures of 4-inch sections of scarf that I've been showing you? Well, my Group 26 scarf has come home, and I even got my final section added to it.
I've been knitting other stuff, too. More pics? Thought you'd never ask.

Other Group 26 scarves:

Group 23 Scarves:

Group 6 scarves:

Swap Projects:

And a Christmas project. It's going to be a 70-inch long scarf. What do you mean, "It won't be done in time"??? Don't you remember my NaNo? lol


Barb_in_GA said...

You crazy, girl!

My crochet-o-rama has been held off until January. Such is life.

Aibrean's Musings said...

I wish I could be half as productive! You go, girl!