Startitis: The inability to finish (a) current project(s) because of the compulsion to start (a) new one(s).
I think I have the plural form. :) Proof?
Existing Projects and DeadlinesDeb's Scarf -- Christmas
Kate's Scarf -- Jan. 15 or so
2 Traveling Scarf sections -- within 3 or 4 days of receiving them, whenever that will be
Mom's Sweater -- LAST Mother's Day
Pansy's socks -- "whenever," but really, as soon as possible. She's already been waiting a few months.
In the past 48 hours, I've cast on for the Bird in the Hand mittens

, for the Jorid Linvik knitalong that's ending on Jan. 31. I've also joined the NaKniMitMo (National Knit Mittens Month. Ravelers seems to have become very enamored of the NaNoWriMo-type abbreviation) knitalong, for which the deadline is Jan. 31. I suppose that I could count the BitH mittens for the NaKniMitMo mittens, but that really feels like cheating. And then there's the Hat of the Month group (12 hats in 12 months), for which I'm making the Who? hat -- also by Jan. 31.
And I'm not even mentioning my half-completed pair of socks for Warm Woolies. Or their 10 for 10 by 2010 challenge. Or my ribbon socks. Or my Knotty or Knice socks. Or that shawl that I bought yarn for. Or the proposed (but not yet started) second round of traveling scarves for Group 26. Or ... well, I'm losing track. But I'm sure there's more.
And the LotR Sock Club starts the beginning of February.
Oh crap. I just opened the desk drawer and discovered (again) the soaker pattern I was planning to use for the virtual baby shower at SOAB. For which the deadline was Nov. 30. And an afghan. (Yes, I have about 1/4 of an afghan stuffed in my desk drawer. What? Doesn't everyone?)
Has anyone else heard about
Structured Procrastination? This frequently works for me. Unfortunately, Deb's Christmas scarf seems to be my most important project at the moment. And I'm seeing her again on Sunday.
Eddie rocks!