"Dark have been my dreams of late." -- Theoden
That quote explains quite clearly the blog silence for the past couple of weeks. I've been knitting things that are secret/surprise gifts, so I can't post about that. Work is normally so boring that it's of no use as blog fodder. (Although I am pleased that the dealership where I work is not one of the ones that's being forced to close, the other two dealerships owned by "my" auto group are on that black list, so who knows what's going to happen as they scramble to consolidate positions and job descriptions?)
My mom and sister are on vacation right now -- at this moment I believe they're still on their whale watching cruise out of Port Angeles, WA. That's been another fun thing lately -- explaining to all who ask (and they all ask!) why I'm not going with them. Vacations/trips used to be something I lived for. As soon as I returned from one, I was planning the next. Getting over that is proving to be more difficult than I'd like.
Oh, and I might be becoming more proof that anxiety frequently goes with depression. For example, since I'm home alone for 10 days, I've got my cell phone within 3 feet of me at all times, just in case I fall and break a leg or something. What fun! [/sarcasm] It turns out that I internalized a lot more of the "Ella's so stupid, always nervous about everything. And lazy! Depressed. Hmph. She should just snap out of it." comments about my grandmother (that I'm sure I wasn't really supposed to hear when I was a child) than I'd realized. Fun again! Joy and rapture even.
Oh. Um. [/sarcasm] Again. No, I mean it this time. See? I've stopped typing.
Been wondering where you are. Glad to hear your dealership is still afloat.
Can't wait to see pics of your projects when they become public.
Hugs to ya!
*sending you a hug*
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