The movie? Shortbus (Warning: Wiki link. Contains SPOILERS.)
So, why am I hedging my recommendation? Well, there's a lot of sex in the movie. A Lot. If you have a problem watching sex, you're not going to like this movie. Also, for my readers with kids, you're going to want to watch it when they're not around. It's all reasonably vanilla. Even the scenes with the character who's a professional dominatrix are pretty tame.
The interesting thing is that, when I first watched it, the sex right at the beginning of the movie was... startling. A bit shocking even. However, as the movie went on, I wasn't startled or shocked at all. When I watched the commentary track, the director talks about how he actually showed less and less of the sex and more of the human interaction/connection aspect of it as the story progressed. So it wasn't just my skewed perception.
Another reason I'm hedging is because of a friend & reader who I think wouldn't have a problem with the sex, but might be bothered by the character who (SPOILER ALERT!!) attempts suicide.
I got the movie from Netflix and watched it probably at least a dozen times before I sent it back. And I've now requested it for Christmas -- from my Christian fundamentalist sister. (Hopefully she doesn't look too closely at it when she's shopping.) The commentary and documentary in the Special Features are also excellent and quite interesting. And if you want another, somewhat more coherent, review, here's what The Other Andrew has to say. (He's so much more articulate than I am.)
But really, how can you not love a movie that has one song that asks "How can I repay you for saving me and my hardwood floors?" (just ignore the weird video) and ends with a scene where a marching band shows up during a singer's performance and the whole thing becomes a raucous singalong?
Also? The film offers a different and interesting reason for the northeast blackout. Just thinking about it makes me giggle.
In Knitting News:
You've seen the purple socks and the red sweater before, but the other three socks and two sweaters were all completed after my last knitting blog post (11/13/09). Here are individual shots for those of you who may be interested:
I had to learn how to seam for this pattern. A good skill to have, I'm sure, but not my favorite at this point.
Now, on to the scarf (scarves? We'll see how fast I am.) for the OFA's Red Scarf Project.
1 comment:
Hadn't heard of the movie. Will watch it if the opportunity comes up.
Now I have sweater envy (and socks, of course) - those are gorgeous!
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