Thursday, February 5, 2009

25 Things About Me

I got tagged with the 25 Things meme. What the hell, at least this week will be ontime. :)

1. I don't tag people with memes. Feel free to snatch the meme from me or my blog, but don't expect me to tag you.

2. If I'm going more than 10 yards, I walk with a cane. The only exceptions to this are (a) in my house and (b) when I'm with my family -- because they don't like to think of me needing a cane, and will argue with me until I give up and hobble without it.

3. It is easier to walk with a cane, and safer, and I can walk farther that way.

4. If I did not HAVE to see any people at all on a daily basis, I'd be fine with that. In fact, I'd be thrilled.

5. #4 does not mean that I don't like to see people sometimes.

6. Online doesn't count as "seeing" in the context of #4 & 5.

7. I live with 2 cats and hate 1 of them.

8. We just got a new shower surround and faucet/drain/showerhead. The new showerhead does not adjust directionally, and I can't use my shower caddy with it. This literally made me cry.

9. I am a liberal.

10. I am not Christian. I believe there are gods, but I've never taken the time to figure out who they are or decide which, if any, to worship.

11. If you have a problem with #9 & 10, that's fine. If you want to tell me that you have a problem with them, that's fine. If you are derogatory or insulting to me because you have a problem with them, I will cut you out of my life.

12. I love Lois McMaster Bujold and all her books. Every time I think I've picked my favorite, I think of another one and get all distracted by how shiny it is.

13. I have won NaNoWriMo twice.

14. You will never see those books. The first year, I figured it just needed a LOT of editing. I have come to realize that much of what I enjoy about NaNo is knowing that I don't ever have to show it to anyone. If there are plot holes (and there are!), it doesn't matter, because it's the process of writing it that I enjoy.

15. I knit. A lot.

16. I believe that I will not live a long life.

17. #16 does not trouble me. I do not fear death.

18. I am insanely fat.

19. Luckily I am also insane, so it doesn't bother me much. (mentally)

20. I have been dealing with depression and dysthymia since I was about 10. It's difficult to pinpoint the exact start. Could have been 9, or 11.

21. I am very jealous of people who receive long-term benefits from antidepressants. I see an initial improvement, and then it fades away.

22. Yes, I have tried more than one antidepressant.

23. I really dislike knitting with acrylic yarn. Even the nicer acrylics, which I don't mind using for crochet.

24. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be to come up with 25 things. It was much harder to come up with non-gloomy things.

25. These ARE the non-gloomy things.

1 comment:

Pansy Makehay said...

Hi, Beccaie...
I just read #4 in "The Sharing Knife", and I love this series...but as I've said before, what's not to love, as it's so much like MY story in some respects. It even ends a lot like my 2nd book before S.H.'s epilog. It's nuts... :D
Yes, LMB was channeling me...

So, you knitting any socks? LOL.
As for your family, I'd like to slap them. What the hell is wrong with you using a cane? That's nuts. }:[

And now I'm going to have to go look up the word meme... Thanks a bunch! Snerk!
Pansy :)