a) tedious
b) time-consuming
c) faster than knitting, but boring as all get out
d) something I used to do much more
e) all of the above
Poor, neglected blog. I'm late again, and I haven't even named my newest 7 dragons yet. Heck, I haven't even entered my new egg into my spreadsheet. This school thing is sure time-consuming. More on that later.
I haven't done much knitting this week, either. Partly school and partly getting my mom ready for her vacation -- she left Friday morning for 16.5 days. Ahhh, the peace. And I get to shut off the cuckoo clock. Shhh, don't tell. ;) Actually, the reason that this didn't go up on Thursday was because I didn't even get to the computer until very, very late, and then I didn't have enough brain power to write coherently. My mom has a truly amazing gift for creating panic when faced with packing. You'd never think that she's been taking at least one major vacation a year for the past 50+ years. The reason it wasn't posted on Friday is because I slept most of the day, recovering from Thursday. I have no excuse for Saturday.
Sorry, I wandered a bit there, didn't I? I was talking about knitting. I think that part of my problem at this point may be that I don't really like to knit sleeves. I currently have 3 sweaters-in-progress that are at the sleeves stage. I have another one that's approaching the sleeves. I think I may not like them because I have to pay attention and count rows, and I'm not too fond of doing that. Or maybe it's that sleeves come in pairs. Then again, so do socks, and I can whip those out when using worsted weight yarn, and the sleeves are all in worsted weight or thicker, so I'm not sure that holds water. At any rate, I present Potato Chip Sock number 7a. This is made with the yarn I got from Warm Woolies, held triple. It looks huge because it is -- the foot is 11 inches. This will be for their 10 for 10 campaign, and those socks have to have a foot length of at least 10 inches. I erred on the side of caution.
So, school. It started last Monday. I've got 2 classes that meet twice a week, and one that's online. As some of you may know, I still haven't met the professor for my evening class -- he was on vacation this week. The first week of the school year. Without leaving any information for his substitute beyond the syllabus and the fact that we were to cover Chapter 1 and part of Chapter 2 (but not how much of it). An interesting approach to teaching. It's really funny, because 90% of our grade is based on 2 tests (midterm and final), so the syllabus reads like he's a bit of a hardass. And then he, he ditches the first two classes. I am puzzled. And sort of looking forward to meeting him, even though I suspect he'll greet us with a quiz, particularly since most people probably aren't expecting it. (There was a phrase in the syllabus that made me think this.)
The other class is Intro to HIT (Health Information Technology). It's interesting because it's a class that's specifically and only for HIT students. It may become interesting in a broader sense after we get through the first couple of chapters. I'm working hard to learn everyone's names, since I'll be working with these women for the next 2 years. This is a little difficult since I sit in the back row, and therefore may not recognize them if we meet face to face. It's coming along though.
I ... um ... haven't done much of anything with my online class yet. Oops. (Although the first assignment isn't due until 9/14, and the first week of classes isn't over yet. By several hours.)
Answer to Question 12: All of the above. My mom and sister tried to argue that crocheting can't be both time-consuming and faster than knitting, but that's just because neither of them can do either. Besides, the question never says that knitting isn't also time-consuming. At any rate, since I learned how to crochet years (decades) before I learned how to knit, it is indeed something that I used to do more. However, I do find it tedious. It may be faster than knitting, but it surely doesn't feel like it. Then again, I haven't knitted as many baby blankets and afghans as I've crocheted, so perhaps if I do that, I'll find knitting tedious as well.
But that's just a very good reason not to cast-on for any kind of blanket.
These questions are coming from my 'How well do you know Beccaie Jamieson?' quiz on Facebook. Thus far, the high scores are 35% among my friends, 40% among my sister's friends, 41% for my mother, with my sister scoring 74%. I'm bringing the questions to my blog in the hopes that some more people will get to know me better.
Um, tap tap! My name if Betty Bigelow, and I have a cocoon coat that I started knitting years ago, simple knit one row, pear the next...and I gotta tell ya, tedious hardly describes it. One of the reasons it's still not done. I have to start some of the other parts before I cast off on the part I've got completed, since I'm making this up as I go along.
Had I mentioned that SOMEWHERE around here, I'm knitting and itty bitty surplice sleaved sweater for my Mr. Spock 12 inch doll? LOL. On doll NEEDLES (yes the ones with the exceptionally pointy ends) no less. With baby bouclee'. I'm insane.
Why do they call them Popcorn socks. If you mentioned, I forget.
Tsk, that mom of yours. Of course, I'm going into packing panick mode right now! EEEEEEEEEE.....
Man, there were a lot of typos in that...ah well, not enough coffee! :p
Pansy, I call them Potato Chip Socks because I can't knit just one (pair). It's a really basic pattern, using worsted weight yarn held double, so they go really fast.
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