a) Shit!
b) Fuck!
c) Frak!
d) Da-shiong bao tse shr la doo tze!
e) Blight it!
Obligatory knitting picture, so the answer isn't revealed unless you scroll down a bit:
This is the Warm Woolies Mystery Knitalong II Sweater at the end of Part 3. Well, it needs 2 more rows on the left shoulder to be completely done, but since I'm using these HUGE skeins of yarn, I've already started the second-and-final skein. The sleeves are just knit straight down from the edges, so I didn't see any reason to cut the yarn on the right shoulder so I could work 2 rows on the left, and then later go back and reattach the yarn to the edge of the right shoulder (and thus have extra ends to weave in). I have begun the right sleeve, but I'm only about a third of the way done. There will be another picture when at least one sleeve is complete.
The second Rivendell sock is still coming along, but since it's almost exactly at the same stage as the first sock was in my May 24th post, I thought a picture might be a bit boring. Besides, then I'd have to drag my camera out and get the cord to upload it and all that jazz. (Yes, the camera and its cord live in the desk drawer directly under my keyboard. And the sock is currently sitting about 8 inches to my left. What's your point?)
So, the answer to Question 1 is b) Fuck! I like Fuck! (It requires the exclamation point.) because of its versatility. It's been my favorite curse for about 22 years now. Shit! is fine, and I do use it. Frak! comes into play when I'm at work or somewhere else where pure cursing would be looked askance at. It's also a relatively recent curse for me, since BSG isn't something that I watched on TV. Da-shiong bao tse shr la doo tze! made the list because several of my Facebook friends are also Firefly fans. Blight it! is there because (so far as I know) none of them have yet read Lois McMaster Bujold's The Sharing Knife series, and they all should.
1 comment:
LOL. Yes, Blight it, they should read Sharing Knife....It's a great series. My one friend was SOOOO sad when it was over...
I was pleased to find that C.J. Cherryh did another book in her "Foriegner" series. I even called her to make sure, as I do so love that series myself. She told me the S.F. book club was NOT shucking and jiving me. :)
Personal, I trained myself to swear in Klingon, thereby making myself MUCH more socially acceptable in public. :D
Yay, Rivendell socks!
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