This is not a new want. I've thought for years that it would be nice to have a garage that's closer to the house, so it wouldn't be so far to carry things. Attached would be wonderful so that it wouldn't be quite so cold or so hot on the way to the car. So I wouldn't get rained or snowed on. Basically, I wanted one because I was lazy.
Well, okay, maybe the lazy still applies a little bit.
I fell again tonight, because it was raining hard when I got home. Rather than spend the night in my car in the garage, I chose to walk to the house. In retrospect, this may not have been my brightest moment. Balance is never my strong suit, but when it's raining hard enough that not only are my shoes slipping on the sidewalk/driveway/porch/lawn, my feet are also slipping around inside my shoes, things do not go well. My cane was steady on the ground (non-slip tip -- truth in advertising FTW!), but the manufacturer never claimed that the handle would be equally steady in my hand. Rats. Insult to injury (however minor): I didn't fall until I was taking the final step into the house. In my defense, opening the door did not magically dry my feet, shoes, porch, cane, or hand, and there's actually a fairly steady fall of water through a poorly designed roof/gutter join right over the door. However.
The good news is that I think I'm only going to lose half of a toenail this time, and a good whack off the tip of the one that got ripped off last September and had nearly grown back completely. I've also got two cuts and a bunch of scrapes, but that's it. Not even any bruises. Well, okay, a bunch of banged up places that will probably still be sore for a few days, too. Anyway, it could be much worse.
But I'm still sick of the can't-walk-well thing.

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