Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sock Update

I have a new status photo of the Rivendell sock:

Yep, that's the sock that's currently on my needles. Looks a bit shorter than last week, doesn't it? That's because this happened yesterday evening:

Want to see the whole thing?

(I promise the heel will look more normal once it's been blocked.)

And in case anyone suspects me of recycling a photo of the first sock, here's proof that they both exist at this very moment. :)

Also, as some of you know, my friends are not scoring very highly on the "How well do you know Beccaie Jamieson?" quiz I created on Facebook. Therefore, I will be adding a brief explanation of at least one question on the quiz for the next however many weeks. (I'm thinking of doing 1 question per week, but we'll see how it goes.) The good news for you is that this means I've got ready-made topics for a while, so my blog posts should be on time. The bad news is that some of the information may be redundant, if it's a question you got right. I will start this next week, in case anyone wants to take a bash at the quiz before I begin.

And if you wait until I've covered all the questions and then ace the quiz, there are no prizes. :-p

1 comment:

Pansy Makehay said...

You do know I'm going to have to design a whole costume around these socks! LOL :D