What is the very first thing I would do if I suddenly won millions?a) Make a will
b) Pay off all my bills
c) Buy my own place
d) Seek medical treatment I currently can't afford
e) Hire a personal assistant
I have no knitting photos for filler this week. I did finish Clue 1 of the WW MKAL1 Sweater, but it looks very much like the photo from last week, except that it's now 12 inches long instead of 8 or 9. I have also added some length to the Potato Chip Sock. You'll get a photo of that when there's a pair, since that shouldn't take too long. (Note:
shouldn't, not
I don't think I've told you yet that I started my scarf for the
Red Scarf Project. (Red Scarf Fund donations can be made
here.) I'm making a variation of the
DNA scarf this year, but it's not long enough yet to show well in a photo. Plus I'm using a dark yarn, and I'll need daylight to get it properly photographed.
And that's it for knitting news this week. I've barely done anything, because of an amazingly wonderful gift that a friend sent me on Sunday. I don't know if I'm supposed to talk about it, so I won't, but it's ZOMG SO BLOODY SHINY!!!!!!!1!!111!!ONE!!
*ahem* Not that I'm ridiculously excited about it or anything. I don't know how you got that impression.
Just in case anyone really was holding their breath for it, here's a bit about my Taco Bell Epiphany mentioned a couple of weeks ago. As most of you probably know, I had pneumonia pretty badly in early 2007. While I
have recovered, I still have not achieved the level of general health that I had before getting sick. This is ... not
always on my mind, but it's never very far from my thoughts. I'm not sure if this is morbid preoccupation associated with depression/dysthymia, or if it's a semi-normal part of getting used to life with a chronic ... medical condition. (I mean, it's not
exactly a chronic illness. I dunno. Apparently I'm less good with words than I thought I was.)
Anyway, it suddenly occurred to me (and I have no idea what about driving to Taco Bell triggered this) that breathing problems are not exactly new to me. Yes, they're worse now, but they're not
new. I mean, if I think back objectively, I was orthopnic when I was in 3rd grade, for heaven's sake! Granted, I didn't know what orthopnic meant back then, and no one (parents or doctor) told me that it's Not A Good Thing, but I couldn't sleep when lying flat. I had a wedge-shaped pillow that kept me closer to sitting upright than your average bedrest pillow would nowadays. (Those weren't as common back in the ancient times of my childhood.) And it wasn't
just when I was in 3rd grade, but that's the earliest year that I'm absolutely certain I was using that pillow. I was hospitalized with some sort of lung problem when I was about 18 months old. Maybe I wasn't a lazy child, I just didn't like to run (literally run) as much as my friends did because of that whole breathing thing, and the trouble I had with it.
Maybe I started out as a healthy baby, but every time I got majorly sick, I just didn't bounce back to quite where I'd started from. So I was a healthy baby, was hospitalized, and then was a mostly healthy kid. Except for the wheezing and the orthopnea, which I was told were allergies (except that I was supposedly only allergic to mold and the problems lasted all year long). Then in 6th grade I had mono and was out of school for around a month, maybe a little longer. Sports got harder after that. I got really sick when I was away at college, in February. And I failed all my classes for the Spring semester because I had trouble walking all the way across the (really not that huge or anything) campus, even after I was better. And then the next big one was the pneumonia in 2007.
Maybe I didn't fuck everything up somehow. Maybe I'm just
sick. Oh.
Answer to Question 10: Make a will. I'd probably do most of those things, but the will would be first, because it's all well and good for money to go to the nearest relatives and all that, but if I've actually got enough money to shake a stick at, there are other people and places to which I want it to go, as well.
Then I'd pay off my bills, hire a personal assistant, buy my own place, and maybe get around to seeking medical treatment. (Note: This quiz was written before the Taco Bell Epiphany, so that wasn't really taken into account when I figured out the answers. Having had the TBE, the medical treatment would definitely be sought, perhaps even before I got my own place. Definitely after the personal assistant though.)
(These questions are coming from my "How well do you know Beccaie Jamieson?" quiz on Facebook. Thus far, the high scores are 35% among my friends, with my sister scoring 74%. I'm bringing the questions to my blog in the hopes that some more people will get to know me better.)